Spirituality & Interfaith Exploration

Ver. Rev. Dr. Kyle Norman

The Very Reverend Dr Kyle Norman is the Rector of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Kamloops, and Dean of the Territory of the People. He has over 20 years of pastoral ministry and has a Doctorate in Spiritual Formation from Tyndale University and Seminary. He is also the author of the book “Alive, Loved, & Free: Finding […]

2025 Week 4 Adult 19+: The Spirituality of Henri Nouwen: 4 ways to live as God's beloved,

Leslie Black

Leslie Black facilitates Heart Awakening transformational coaching and energy healing with groups and individuals. For over 20 years she was a Healing Pathway instructor and currently she leads group sessions in spiritual growth and energetic self-care, both in-person and on-line. Visit her website at https://heartawakening.ca.

Henri Lock

Henri Lock is a former Spiritual Care Provider at the University of Victoria Multifaith Centre and Executive Director of The Contemplative Society. He is a long-time teacher of Centering Prayer and Mindfulness Meditation in the Christian Wisdom tradition, and a minister with the United Church of Canada.

Indu Arora

Ayurveda and Yoga Teacher, mentor and author considers herself a student for lifetime. Her core philosophy is, ‘Yoga is work-in not work-out!”