2025 Shuswap CRN Monthly Meeting February

February 3, 2025

Date and Time Details: Monday, February 3 10:00-12:00

Location: Sorrento Retreat and Conference Centre

Address: 1159 Passchendaele Road, Sorrento, BC, Canada

Contact: Maryann Baker
(250) 675-2421

The Shuswap Community Response Network (SCRN) was launched in the fall of 2022. It is part of the BC Association of Community Response Networks—which describes a Community Response Network as “a diverse group of concerned community members, community agencies, local businesses, government agencies, professionals, and others who come together to create a coordinated community response to abuse, neglect, and self-neglect in vulnerable adults.”

Here in the Shuswap, the Sorrento Retreat and Conference Centre serves as the SCRN’s community hub and first point of contact for people living in Adams Lake, Anglemont, Blind Bay, Celista, Chase, Eagle Bay, Lee Creek, Magna Bay, Notch Hill, Scotch Creek, Seymour Arm, Sorrento, St. Ives, Sunnybrae, Tappen and White Lake. Its front office staff monitors phones seven days a week and will refer vulnerable adults with a variety of needs to local, provincial, and national resources. In addition, The Sorrento Retreat and Conference Centre hosts SCRN prevention and education activities with local stakeholders to help build a coordinated response.

The SCRN was created in partnership with the local food bank, home-care services, and health units, and it continues to grow to include other interested individuals, agencies, and organizations. For more information on how to participate in this worthwhile effort, please email crn@sorrentocentre.ca or call Maryann 250-675-2421 Ext. 106.

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Sorrento Retreat & Conference Centre
PO Box 99, Sorrento, BC V0E 2W0 Canada | +1.866.694.2409
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